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TMU Invites Litens for Speed Networking

February 13, 2024
TMU Invites Litens for Speed Networking

After the success of the 2023 TMU Speed Networking Event, Litens was again invited to attend the 2024 Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU), Faculty of Engineering Speed Networking Event on January 30, 2024. Students from Computer, Electrical, Biomedical, and Aerospace Engineering participated in this speed networking event.
The event presented an opportunity for representatives from Litens to meet with co-op students who could be potential candidates for Litens Coop programs in the future.
Litens was one of 5 companies who were invited and approximately 45 students participated. The event allowed students to engage with employers. At the end of the Speed Networking, Litens representatives had the opportunity to interact with the students 1 on 1 and field any additional questions.

The feedback from TMU and the students was very positive. Many students shared copies of their resumes, enthusiastically applying for posted co-op positions on the spot! Collaborative opportunities like this help light the way for the next generation and make it accessible for new graduates to secure roles in their fields of interest. Litens is proud to be an ally in aiding undergraduates find their passion and contribute to solidifying career foundations. Litens is looking forward to continued collaboration with TMU in the years to come.